
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/11/2009 1:54:13 am PDT

Pat Buchanan is at it again. “What’s new” you might (justifiably) ask. Well, now Buchanan has none other than Drudge pimping his latest piece (which is at … WND!)

As of 1:45AM Pacific, Buchanan’s piece is on the top of the left column on Drudge.

The piece: Is America coming apart? is, for about 80% of it’s length, just a laundry list of issues about which Americans argue, both among “social” issues and fiscal/theoretical issues. E.g., abortion, evolution, etc.

However, it is in his summary in which Buchanan finally states his thesis, and offers it up as the conclusion also:

The European-Christian core of the country that once defined us is shrinking, as Christianity fades, the birth rate falls and Third World immigration surges. Globalism dissolves the economic bonds, while the cacophony of multiculturalism displaces the old American culture.

“E pluribus unum” – out of many, one - was the national motto the men of ‘76 settled upon. One sees the pluribus. But where is the unum? One sees the diversity. But where is the unity?

Is America, too, breaking up?

In other words, the reason America has such a long list of contentious debates over divisive issues, which is leading to the break up of America, is because we are letting non-Christian non-European brown people into the country.

So says Pat Buchanan, as pimped by Matt Drudge.