
Record-Shattering Warm Winter Stuns Canadian Climate Scientists

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/14/2010 12:35:03 pm PDT

re: #245 Alouette

Does Church of $ci still go after everybody who disses them on Internet forums?

/my real name is “Jane Smith”

Ask Tom Cruise.

Scientology made a very concerted effort in the 70’s and then on to attract Hollywood types to their flock. The Hollywood types are given a sort of regal status and their little egos are flattered all the way through.

They are told what they always suspected - that they are superior beings with vast potential and powers.

It doubles as an incredible propaganda arm for them. Since many people are stupid enough to believe that celebrity opinions are somehow meaningful.

The fact is that $cientology’s numbers are growing and they have sufficient money to put out many PR campaigns to deflect unwanted questions about their less savory practices.

The only good news is that the more that Guys like Tom Cruise self destruct publicly, the more people will ask questions.