
Ex-Boyfriend of Cain Accuser Corroborates Her Story

SanFranciscoZionist11/14/2011 5:08:31 pm PST

re: #250 Obdicut

Hell, I’m not a protest guy at all. Crowds spook me. I’m about setting up meetings between constituents and their representatives, signing up people to vote, that kind of jazz. I still don’t think Occupy is effective in any way, though I do note that people are at least talking about income inequality but I don’t know if that’s causative or correlative.

Either way, again: some of them have been being arrested and then let free when a judge said that there was no crime. Repeatedly. That is, to me, harassment by the police, false arrest, and fucking stupid. I’m not going to brush off the asshole anarchists or any of the other misbehavior from the Occupy people, but I won’t brush off the misconduct and stupidity directed at them, too.

Like kicking them out, and letting them back in, and kicking them out, and letting them back in. Sheesh. What an idiot.

If Jean Quan releases another dove, I may move into Oakland proper for the sole purpose of supporting the recall. Woman’s driving me mad.