
Live Video: President Obama Speaks on Counterterrorism Policies

Kragar5/23/2013 2:27:32 pm PDT

Hillman: God Might Destroy America for Tolerating Gays

Os Hillman has recently been writing about how conservatives can make overtures to their Satanic gay friends and even bring about a “reduction in the gay population.” Today in a Charisma column titled “4 Questions to Consider in Response to the Gay Agenda,” he warned that America may soon face divine punishment for tolerating gay people.

He said that tolerance has become a “cultural idol” and its own “god,” which has allowed a “liberal and unholy leadership to rise in power.” Hillman fears that a divine “day of reckoning” is imminent and that God may soon destroy America just as he commissioned the Israelites to wipe out the Amorites.

So God is going to command the Israelis to attack the US?