
Reuters: Snowden Tricked Co-Workers Into Giving Him Their Passwords

Targetpractice11/08/2013 1:13:38 pm PST

re: #252 Sol Berdinowitz

They were rushed into combat without testing to be on time for the big offensive. Later turned out to be one of the best tanks of the war

Yeah, that’s the hilarious irony of it all, the operation had been delayed time and time again because Hitler wanted the tanks to take part, believing in part that they would be what ultimately tipped the balance. But they were still effectively rushed to the front lines, and so suffering horrendous losses due to bugs that would otherwise have been worked out in stress testing. Not that such things would have helped in the end, as the German answer of slapping ever increasing amounts of armor on their tanks were making even Maybach’s legendary diesel engines explode with alarming regularity.