
Michael Savage Lies About His Academic Credentials to Spread Fear About Ebola

Lidane8/05/2014 2:11:45 pm PDT

Buncha librul Democrat plants, part eleventy:

GOP Rep.: ‘Fair Number’ In House Would Vote To Impeach Obama

Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) said that while he thinks impeaching President Obama would be a bad move for House Republicans, a number of his colleagues would vote to oust the President.

“If you were to ask persons and many folks in the House, has the president violated the law and will he be worthy of impeachment, I think a fair number of people would say yes,” Flores said during a telephone town hall last week, according to audio obtained by Buzzfeed.

Flores then explained to constituents that while the House has the power to impeach the president, two-thirds of the Senate would then need to vote to convict the president.

“I think all of use would agree there’s no way you get two-thirds of the Senate,” he said. “So what would happen if you did that and then you failed?”

It would be the Clinton impeachment all over again? It would prove the GOP are totally useless? Hmm.