
Drudge Touts Claims That Illegal Aliens Are Source of Enterovirus Outbreak

TedStriker9/18/2014 2:19:44 pm PDT

re: #249 CuriousLurker

Good grief, I’d never heard of GWAR until just now. I made the mistake of looking them up on Google Images. I know it’s just make-believe, but sheesh… I just don’t see how anyone could find enjoyment in that kind of stuff. Guess I’m turning into an old fogey.

As for Vulvatron, sorry, but I have a hard time seeing “a spiky purple Amazon whose massive (prosthetic) breasts occasionally shoot geysers of blood out onto her hapless audience” as a step up for womankind.

[Embedded image]

GWAR is definitely an acquired taste, FWIW; I’m not a fan by any stretch, but they’re legends and I give them their props.

Good luck to Vulvatron, because Oderus Urungus is a hard act to follow:

GWAR covers Kansas’ “Carry On Wayward Son”

GWAR covers Billy Ocean