
Friday Night Jam: Ty Tabor, "Wouldn't You Like to Be"

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge3/14/2015 11:01:01 am PDT

re: #256 Justanotherhuman

Netanyahu accuses leftists, media of conspiring to bring him down

In a Facebook post, the premier accuses Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper of colluding with organizations, NGOs, tycoons and foreign governments in a campaign against him.

It’s the current post here:

Google translate:

The right-wing government in danger. The left wing and Communications in Israel and abroad joined together to raise Isaac Tzipi an illegitimate power, using slander and funds from abroad on an unprecedented scale.
Mandates aim to open a gap between the first of the left-wing Likud party led by Tzipi and Isaac. The only way to ensure fail to close the gap is remaining days until the election. National Camp voters vote no privilege to other parties. Must vote Mahal. Likud victory is the only definitive answer and left machinations.
Evidence of the working group “Yediot Ahronot” that came to us recently indicate that Noni Mozes leads timed and orchestrated campaign against the Likud and myself intensive cooperation with non-governmental organizations that work for this purpose with the support of local and international tycoons and with the support of foreign governments. A similar effort was made in the past in 1999.
Moses and news group working in full cooperation and coordination with the heads of the party “work”. Tzipi Livni herself admitted at a public event held in the month that spoke to the publisher “Yediot Ahronot” Noni Mozes before promoting the bill to silence against “Israel Today” Ministerial Committee on Legislation.
Isaac’s party platform and Tzipi towards the elections, they implicitly pledged to continue to work to close the “Israel Today”, as reported in “Marker”.
Known that a group of “Yediot Ahronot” uses the latest allegations “social” as if to attack the Likud and me, but less known social protest largest was in Israel in 2011, Moses instructed to bury and silence the protest because he thought it damages his business due to a sharp decline in the advertising market at the time .
The public needs to know the truth: Noni Moses leading the campaign against the Likud and myself out of business interest, in order to restore the monopoly dangerous and undemocratic characterized his newspaper and his business in the past.
Moses’s purpose is to lead to the rule of the Left. They will be joined leftist elements in Israel and abroad which pour millions of dollars to organizations that operate in the campaign “Just not Bibi” its various forms.
These associations are to encourage voter turnout among the Arab and left-wing voters, including through a campaign that goes from house to house area in recent weeks.
Mobilization of foreign NGOs did not come for economic or social but a political party. They understand that if Tzipi and Isaac come to power they would give up everything, withdraw to the ‘67 borders and share Jerusalem - as Isaac and Tzipi already committed themselves to do in the past. They know that unlike them, I and members of the Likud will stand the pressure and not give up.
They understand that the only obstacle for a withdrawal to the ‘67 borders, the division of Jerusalem, the establishment of Hamastan in the hills overlooking Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion Airport and Israeli acceptance of a nuclear Iran - is only the Likud.
Definitive answer incitement campaign of Noni Mozes and millions of dollars injected into the left-wing associations abroad, is to go and vote next week one note: only forgave.

60 years working on machine translation and we’re still in “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”/”The wine was OK, but the steak was no good” territory. The emperor has no clothes, people!