
An Amazing Full-Concert Video: Grinderman - Exit Festival 2011

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/07/2018 1:53:17 pm PDT

Hoomans and their magical thinking:

A Sign of the End Times? Another Blood Moon Appears in July


The news about the Blood Moon appearing at the end of the month has some Christians excited. They believe the Blood Moon is a direct sign from God and a biblical fulfillment of prophecy.

The Blood Moon is foretold by the Bible in the book of Joel 2:31, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.”


Paul Begley is one pastor that stands by his belief that the Blood Moon is a biblical sign of the last days.

According to the UK’s Express Newspaper, in a recent online broadcast from Indiana, he said: “Just take a look at this. Look at this prophetic sign, look at the era we’re in, look at what the Bible says in Acts Chapter 2:16-21 and recognize the realization I am prophesying to you that the coming of the Lord is soon.”

“No I don’t believe it’s July 27,” Begley stated. “I repeat. July 27 is not the end of the world but prophetically the events that are taking place are being prophesied to you, not only from the world of the Lord, not only from the prophetic voices of today’s modern-day watchmen but also prophetically being revealed to you in the heavens above.”