
Hope, Rainbows, and Muammar Gadafi

karmic_inquisitor1/22/2009 4:30:02 pm PST

re: #186 freetoken

Are you aware that the Mac OS (OSX) kernel (which is called “Darwin” btw) is available in the open? Yet, even with that, OSX is more secure and doesn’t suffer the ills that Microsoft Windows variants suffer.

Yes - I know it is open source.

It is a numbers game - the numbers of Windows boxes out there and the numbers of vendors slapping things on Windows (with varying levels of concern about things like restricting memory management and managing buffer overflows) have made Windows a big, fat target.

As Apple takes over market share from Windows (which it will continue to do) and as corporate and government users adopt Mac (which hasn’t happened en mass yet) hackers will shift focus to the target with biggest potential returns.

UNIX and Linux have had all sorts of attacks as they became standards for corporate servers. Mac will get the same. It is just a computer that crunches 1s and 0s. If it is on a public network it is vulnerable.

/BTW - it isn’t a Mac vs Windows thing. Windows is shit and I have had to write apps against it since 1988.