
France Loves Creationism (Because It Makes Americans Look Stupid)

Walter L. Newton2/12/2009 7:29:21 pm PST

re: #236 MandyManners

I cannot believe people have dinged up No. 166. Supporting the forced sterilzation of those who do not believe a certain thing is disgusting.

I can Mandy. The one thing I see which surprises me the most, is where someone’s cut off point is for bigotry. It happens here and on other blogs all the time.

We’ve seen Lizards here meltdown because suddenly they slip, they let out that they do have some desire to lump a whole group together and suggest some sort of punishment.

It almost makes me want to run away and forget about the whole thing. LGF is anti-idiotarian, but not immune to the occasional idiot. Sickens me to no end.