
If the US Has a 'Health Czar,' Who Are the Serfs?

notutopia2/24/2009 9:09:23 am PST

re: #206 acwgusa

re: #76 transient

Do you want to know the real reason health care costs are so inflated? One: Malpractice Insurance premiums. The hospital system my mother works for pays 20% off the top for malpractice insurance! 20%! And as far as Medicaid reimbursement.

Two: Drug costs. And I am not talking necessary life sustaining drugs. I’m talking Viagra, and other lifestyle drugs.

Three, ridiculous health regions, with no competition in certain regions. HMO and PPO’s are locked into zones, with no chance of expansion or competition.

Four, lack of trained, professional nursing staff. Nursing is always, always understaffed, and we don’t turn out enough health care workers to cover that, because it isn’t a glamorous position.

None of these, with the exception of three, is anything government policy can fix.

And frankly, I wouldn’t trust a US government health database anyway. Especially those being run by Obama’s former campaign website staff.

Malpractice coverage for OB/Gyn’s, E.R., and Anesthesiology are now into the 35% of base salary range. There has to be some balance here….
Nursing enrollment is going to continue to decline because nursing malpractice insurance rates are climbing as well.
Who wants to practice in a target enriched mine field for hungry lawyers ? Ambulance chasers are a real and valid issue.