
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/12/2009 8:00:30 pm PST

re: #245 ArchangelMichael

In the case of this (likely) Fantasy Reactor though, only the deuterium will enter the lattice to be magically compressed into strong force range. If the water is superheated to the point where there are He-3 + D reactions just “happening” the room would probably have exploded by that time.

Which was sort of my original point. However there are other fusion reactions. I don’t know if they were claiming D + D -> T +p. D + T certainly shoots fast neutrons all over the place and if your reaction is violent enough to give D+D you will certainly get some D + T because that is easier to do.

However this is really secondary to the whole Coulomb argument. That’s why I listed it second. Energy conservation first, last and always :)