
Shocka! Glenn Beck Says Geert Wilders is 'Far Right', and the Far Right is 'Fascist'

Jadespring3/08/2010 6:45:47 pm PST

re: #236 soap_man

Two days ago, the there were a few geese in the parking lot of the building I work in. One of my co-workers said that while he was walking from his car to the building, one started flapping his wings and honking aggressively. He said there was a small standoff, before he took a detour and went around the goose. It seems the goose won the standoff.

No point to that story. Just thought it was a funny visual.

Hee. Last spring several geese decided to take a break on the small pond in my yard. The dog started going crazy and barking at them from behind his fenced part of the yard. The geese paid no attention for the most part until one of them left the pond and waddled towards the fence and the dog. Dog of course starts going even more crazy. Goose fluffs himself up and starts flapping and honking back. Dog stops and backs away looking confused. Goose stops and they both stare at each other until the dog decides it’s just not worth it anymore. Goose returns to the pond.

No point to the story either except it was funny to watch. I had the theme song from the Good, The Bad and The Ugly running through my head.