
Video: The Ray Harryhausen Creature List

RogueOne7/01/2011 5:24:02 am PDT

A judge’s ruling on a Tennessee traffic stop could set a new precedent against racial profiling

It should have been a victory for Tennessee narcotics policing. Drug task force agents see a car zoom past on Interstate 65 South in Robertson County — prime conditions for the kind of pretextual traffic stop that could lead to a drug search. Indeed, a search of the late-model Ford sedan reveals that the two Hispanic men from Dayton, Ohio, are drug mules who’ve been paid a pittance to risk transporting a half-kilo of heroin down a known drug corridor.
Instead, Lt. Shane Daugherty, a team supervisor with the 17th Judicial Drug Task Force and perhaps one of the most high-profile narcos in the state, now finds his own credibility in question. Meanwhile, the Ruizes are all but ready to walk out of jail as free men. With one ruling, federal district Judge Aleta Trauger rendered the evidence Daugherty discovered off limits and the prosecution’s case against the cousins virtually unwinnable.
He testified in court that the radar was on and that it clocked the sedan doing 79 in a 70 zone, so he pulled out of the median and onto the asphalt…..Daugherty says he caught up to the sedan, pulled alongside and paced it at about 77 mph. He then dropped the car back behind Ruiz and hit the lights.
The dashboard camera in his SUV corroborates his story — to a point. According to undisputed testimony from a defense expert witness, the footage shows Daugherty pacing Ruiz, but certainly not at 77 mph. Judging by the speed at which the cars passed between the broken traffic lines, they were going 69 or 70 at best.

Oops. Undone by the dashboard cam.