
Breivik Inspiration 'Fjordman' Reveals Identity

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)8/05/2011 1:29:55 pm PDT

Quoth Fjordman aka Norwegian kafir (one of his first posts here in 2003, I believe):

Yes, we will probably bleed because of too many muslim immigrants and our proximity to the Middle East, but we won’t be destroyed. I think that goes for the West as a whole: We will bleed, but win. 200 years from now, Islam is but a vague memory of something bad in the past.

200 years. Slightly more optimistic than Breivik’s 2083 estimate.

More dark fantasies, with an “undercurrent” of lustful anticipation and an implicit “or else”:

Some damage has already been done, and is unavoidable. But I don’t think muslim immigration will result in a takeover of the Continent. It is more likely to result in another genocide, of the ones Europe seems to be doing every now and then. Muslims should be careful not to dig too deep into Europe’s sub-concience. There are darker forces there than the current PeeCee culture.

The Continent is heading for a Kulturkampf on a grand scale. In Europe, that is usually quite messy. To be continued…