
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/13/2012 5:48:27 am PDT

re: #256 sattv4u2

The complexities of “ownership” vs. “managmentent authority” are far too arcane to make a difference in an election battle where the electorate probably more concerned about whether Kim Kardashian will every bear Kanye’s child.

As Ralphiboy points out, the problem is that Mitt has been selling his Presidential qualifications around how such a spectacular businessman he has been (and trying to ignore his tenure as MA governor with all the realities of Romneycare and abortion), and since Bain was indeed involved in chopping down American companies, moving business overseas, not to meantion owning a company dealing with aborted fetuses, that key Romney sales pitch now looks quite tarnished.