
Serious Russia Today Journalist Abby Martin's First Tweet: a 9/11 Truther Video

Skip Intro3/21/2014 10:24:55 am PDT

re: #224 ObserverArt

My god…we are seeing the freakin’ news media melt down before our eyes.

I feel for the families that had loved ones, friends, etc. on the plane, but to take one plane crash and have the media go this far off the rails is just hilariously stunning.

What will they do next to one up each other?

Wait…I don’t think I want to know, or watch.

And maybe I wasn’t too far off in my crack about Breaking Bad News. They really are cooking up and snortin’ meth in the newsroom at CNN.

I thought after the Boston Marathon bombing coverage, CNN couldn’t possibly get any worse.

I was a moron.