
Friday Night Beefheart: 'Ice Cream for Crow'

wrenchwench5/01/2009 7:43:41 pm PDT

re: #194 Charles

By the way, I emailed Rusty at Jawa Report and told him there was no way in the 7th circle of Dante’s hell that I will ever stop exposing Spencer and Geller when they sneak off for European meetings with neo-Nazis.

I’m actually very disappointed in him for making light of what’s going on here. He’s still trying to sit on the fence.

I just read his most recent, very wordy update. This is the nut, I think:

Not that CJ has ever directly called Robert Spencer a fascist, but I’m not comfortable with the guilt-by-association accusations either. Robert Spencer may be a lot of things, but his views on liberty don’t seem too much different than my own. I’ve honestly avoided the subject because I have such deep admiration for both CJ and Robert.

Rusty is avoiding “taking sides” between two people he likes and admires. So he has left himself uninformed. That’s the only description for someone who still thinks it’s about “guilt by association.” Looks to me like if Rusty took a hard look at all the facts, he could not keep avoiding the emotionally difficult answer.