

Walter L. Newton2/11/2010 7:35:34 am PST

Week after week, I have been ostracized as a climate change denier, simply because I refuse to let good science be harmed by certain scientist who are more concerned with power, profit and prestige, and not interested in honest science.

Every time I bring up the subject of the questionable antics of Dr. Phil Jones at the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University I get called all sort of foul names from so called “scientists.” Every time I link to a new article or report on the problems with the process, procedures and protocols of the IPCC and how they have compile their data I am told that I am calling climate change a “hoax.”

Well, one of the High Priests of the Climate Change Temple has finally admitted that there are problems with the process and calling for drastic changes in how future United Nations climate reports are done.

“A lot of stuff in there was just not very good,” said Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and a lead author of the first report. “A chronic problem is that on the whole area of impacts, getting into the realm of social science, it is a softer science. The facts are not as good.”

This article is from AP, posted on MSMBC’s website and the lead scientist in the article is Kevin Trenberth. If anyone on LGF wants to imply that these sources and person mentioned are some conservative water carriers, go for it.

As far as I am concerned, this article exonerates me from all the snide-assed comments made to me from a good number of commenters on LGF.

Hopefully honest scientist will stayed concerned with the charlatans in their scientific community and start cleaning house, before it’s to late.