
Video: The Creationist in Charge of Education in Texas

RogueOne3/12/2010 12:30:36 pm PST

re: #220 subsailor68

Hi Walter! I think it’s the same (or close) here in Texas. Our workforce commission does protect the employee - sometimes to a very odd extent.

I have a friend who had his own business - a dry cleaner. He was having a terrible problem with unexcused absences (no doctor’s note, etc.) …….

You have to have your company policies very well spelled out and you have to abide by exactly those rules or you’re going to end up paying someone unemployment even if you fire them for cause. If they get no warnings before being fired, they get it. If they get too many warnings before being fired, they get it. I think most HR time is spent trying to keep the company from being sued or paying out unemployment.