
Overnight Open Thread

Jadespring4/28/2010 7:39:58 am PDT

re: #224 cliffster

There’s no way rattlesnakes are endangered. I’ve seen like 5 within a mile of my house and I live in the city limits. Unless it’s like one species of rattlesnake.

Oh and not a big deal? Try getting bit by one ;) I’m certainly no proponent of going and randomly killing a bunch of them, but I’d much prefer they not be around me wherever I happen to be.

This one is endangered. It’s a Massasauga. There’s even recovery programs for it.

And yeah. I’ve been within six feet of the thing and really it isn’t a big deal if you know what you’re doing. Leave it alone, walk away or do what hubby did and move the thing. Other then that practice a few snake safety (no surprise technique) measures when working around the house and it isn’t a huge deal.

I live with tons o wildlife every day. A coyote highway runs through the back of my property. Right now I see them every couple of days sauntering through. Interestingly enough they’ll walk within 150 ft of my chickens running around free and do nothing. Raccoons, skunks, bears, deer, turkeys, fishers, weasels and so far about 30 different types of birds. I see and deal with them on a regular basis. My sundeck could be a wildlife viewing stand. I could sell tickets if I wanted. You just learn their behavior and do things accordingly and it becomes not a huge deal.