
Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

palomino2/07/2011 8:28:58 pm PST

re: #100 jamesfirecat

Hispanics are the largest growing population in the US.

Last time I checked they also voted disproportionately Democrat.

How long will it be until us Whites are in the minority in this nation?

Of course the above facts won’t matter if people don’t actually show up to vote, but enjoy your success now, because unless your party figures out how to do some impressive minority voter outreach, or impressive voter suppression, you’re doomed in the long run…

Well, the tea partiers and their fellow travelers aren’t real big on the future. Stuck in the moment with a romanticized understanding of the past, they now fantasize about the same “permanent republican majority” Rove was supposed to be creating a decade ago. And that was before the GOP went all xenophobic and alienated most Hispanics, as well as even more blacks, Muslims, gays and other minorities. Their party is overwhelmingly white in Congress, and still overwhelmingly male; exclusively Christian except for Cantor. Ignorant fantasists see this as a winning formula. Realists know that what they’ve got isn’t America’s future, but a simulacrum of its past. Your days are numbered when you can only appeal to a quickly shrinking group.

They seem to have no comprehension of demographics and how their party will be impacted by demo changes. Whites will be the minority in about 30 years.

Think about these startling numbers: right now, there are about 5 white voters for each black voter and each Hispanic voter. By 2040, there will be only 3 whites for each black voter; and stunningly, only 1.5 whites for each Hispanic.

Which means that in the coming decades the GOP will do one of two things: become a white southern christian party usually in the minority, OR adapt to a changing nation. My guess is the latter, but the TP types won’t go along quietly.