
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: Liberals 'Haven't Taken to Killing People' Yet

Prononymous, rogue demon hunter4/22/2011 12:24:34 pm PDT

re: #146 Big Steve

Speaking of the Earth…I have a moral question to the lizard community. I, like everyone else, simply cannot get my dishes clean in the dishwasher since the took the phosphates out. I either have to hand clean them before putting in, thus wasting water and more detergent, or I sometimes have to wash them twice or three times again wasting water and electricity.

On the other hand, I went to Home Depot (paint area) bought a one pound box of sodium triphosphate (cost $3). If I put literally a half a teaspoon in the dishwaster little flippy door along with the detergent pill the dishes come out perfect. Three day hardened spaghetti pots, no problems.

So…in your opinion am I a scumbag?

Not exactly a scumbag, I ruled that out when you questioned the morality of your decision and showed some introspection. Maybe more like, um, callous. One reason they were banned from various products, among others, is that phosphates are destroying many aquatic habitats. It doesn’t take much to achieve that effect because it is a limiting nutrient in many freshwater ecosystems.