Comment Commenters Spew Racist Hatred at Trayvon Martin

SanFranciscoZionist3/27/2012 8:40:56 pm PDT

re: #232 ggt

Yes, well, what I don’t get about this is that 99.9% (I assume) of us are born in to the system. In a hospital—we incur costs. WE have to be vaccinnated etc.

If we present at an ER without insurance, we still get a bill—no? Somehow we pay. Individuals and taxpayers.

The idea that we are being forced to buy anything seems an absurd argument. We already get the services and we pay (in a round about way).

The argument speaks to one of the deepest fears of much of the Wingnut GOP’s target audience: that someone, somewhere, somehow, is getting something they don’t deserve, and it’s being bought with your money.

I think that one reason for this, honestly, is the broad economic gap between the point where you can’t afford what you really need, and the point where you are actually entitled to many kinds of public assistance. Lots of us live in this gap when it comes to healthcare. We can’t afford it, and we’re not poor enough to get any help from anyone with it.

For a lot of people in this lower-middle-class void, it’s easy to become convinced that ‘other people’, who don’t look that much poorer than you, who are a different color, who have too many babies and no husband, who…all the stuff here…are getting away with something by getting welfare, Medicare, Section Eight, you name it. And it’s being paid for, politicians are standing by to tell you, with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Easy for this to boil down into an irrational, buzzing sense of “I don’t ever get any shit, and I’m not buying any shit for anyone else.”