
Your Disturbing Christmas Song of the Day: Sufjan Stevens - I'll Be Home for Christmas

A Mom Anon12/23/2012 7:42:06 am PST

Can someone explain to me how banning military/police type weapons and ammo violates anyone’s rights under the Constitution? I’m trying to figure that out. Unless you’re part of law enforcement or the military, or part of that “well regulated militia”(which no longer exists because we have a standing military and police forces) then your “need”for such weapons is imaginary. I get the hobby aspect of it, but if that’s your thing, then you keep the weapons at the gun range with your fellow hobbyists. I don’t know what the answers are, but the proliferation of guns is a big clue as to why this horror keeps on and on. Other countries don’t have this problem to the degree we do and it seems to me the biggest difference is our easy access to guns.