
Daily Caller: Confederate Flags Are Just Like Gay Pride Flags

Justanotherhuman10/14/2013 6:53:33 pm PDT

This whole thing about the confederate flag being used by people outside the south is totally mystifying. So, I take it to mean that they’re just immersed in some perverted kind of throwback racism and master/slave ideological position, no doubt from white supremacist thinking in their particular area of the US—skinheads, neo-Nazis, white power militias, christian identity groupies, those types. Haters love other haters and reactionaries sometimes make strange alliances among themselves. For instance, in the south, “Damn Yankees” usually doesn’t refer to a musical.

I see that flag from time to time on old pickup trucks and a certain house (a very nice house, BTW) flies one not too far from where I live, but otherwise, here in this part of NC, it’s not often seen in day to day activities, even though there is a Klan big hoo-ha of some type living in this county. Nobody pays him any attention, though; he’s old and ineffective.

So, actually, I’ve seen more of it on TV and the internet in other areas than I have in person living in the south.