
Saturday Acoustic Jam: Ewan Dobson and Zach B: Halloween 2012

Killgore Trout10/26/2013 5:26:54 pm PDT

Update: Dawkins still a douchebag
Richard Dawkins Talks Religion, Science, and Why He Thinks Obama’s an Atheist with Bill Maher

Maher asked Dawkins if he subscribes to Maher’s theory that Pope Francis is an atheist. Dawkins said, “I’m sure Obama is an atheist, I’m sure Kennedy was an atheist, but I doubt if Pope Frank is.” He said the fact this new Pope is “nice” is “dangerous,” because he still subscribes to the same religious system as previous Popes, just with a softer tone.

I like Francis. He seems nice and I think he can bring some much needed reform to The Church.