
Gohmert! - Judges Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Need 'Plumbing Lessons'

Ian G.1/16/2014 10:30:35 am PST
Basically, we haven’t seen any biological evidence to support marriage being between a man and a woman.

What the fuck does this even mean? Marriage is entirely a social construct. A man could easily pass his genes on by raping as many women as he sees. That’s biologically sound, but socially unacceptable, so human societies have developed things like marriage to add some stability to the whole thing. Now that we’re living in 21st century America, and not 4th century BCE Israel, we’ve tweaked the social construct a bit to include homosexuals. This isn’t hard, Louie.

Honestly, I think reading Gomer is bad for one’s health. Prolonged exposure can cause brain damage.