
Russian Ministry of Defense, Russia Today Use Debunked Internet Rumors to Lie About Ukraine

Dr Lizardo7/22/2014 12:01:12 pm PDT

re: #25 Shiplord Kirel

It isn’t just the media. A certain county libertarian chairman in Texas has repeated declared that Russia Today is the “only reliable and truthful media outlet in the world” (his words). This attitude is common among the glibertarians and among militia and tea party types as well. RT is quoted favorably on Free Republic every day.
They have also invaded academia, especially the lower tier diploma mills and half baked religious institutions. The faculty at a nearby Baptist college is crawling with Putin fanboys and conspiracy loons, including an honest-to-God 9-11 truther who serves as a professor of business.
Whatever else he has accomplished Putin has built up a massive and dangerous fifth column in this country, one the communists of old would have envied for its scope and magnitude.

Anyone who thinks Russia Today is the “only reliable and truthful media outlet in the world” needs to be committed forthwith to the nearest lunatic asylum.

Honest-to-God mind-boggling how many ‘useful idiots’ there are out there in meatworld.