
Angelina Jolie Interviewed Women Abducted by ISIS. The Videos Are Shattering.

Rightwingconspirator3/06/2015 8:12:37 pm PST

re: #25 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I ask again: how much of an increase in your taxes are you willing to accept in order to fund the operations to stop Daesh? Keeping in mind, of course, that this is an enemy that has much more in common to AQ, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. than what happened in Kuwait and therefore I believe strongly that that is where we should be looking at what might be required in order to “win.”

If you feel so strongly that they need to be stopped and that we are the only ones who can do it, it is not an unreasonable question to ask what you would be willing to pay for that.

I will not advocate a general income tax increase for my bracket or the next lower, or the next up. Why are we assuming the income tax is the way to go at all? You may posit a false lack of choice. Why not sell Stop Daesh war bonds? I would buy in. Why not a corporate tax? National sales tax? Gas tax? Sugar? Alcohol? Marijuana? All of the above? Please tell me why the income tax is IT.

Bottom line you insist I quote how much money I would put up to back my position. Assuming everyone else at my tax bracket and up is in, and I mean everyone…. as much as it takes.