
Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz Are Openly Advocating for a Theocratic Government

Ziggy_TARDIS7/07/2015 7:02:34 pm PDT

re: #13 freetoken

I am going to be blunt.

The US is probably heading for a low-to-mid level Civil War. That is at this point, the only outlet for this much rage and anger from the conservative side.

Granted, I think it will be less horrific than what is likely in store for both China and Russia, but it still looks inevitable at this point. I would guess we are looking at the American equivalent of the Troubles at one end, and at the high end, and I would think most likely given the hair’s width difference between them, the Algerian Civil War.

I hope NATO is ready for Article 5 to be invoked inside its most powerful member.