
Congressional Black Caucus "Vehemently Opposes" Sanders' Reform Demands

lawhawk6/20/2016 12:55:06 pm PDT
His demands that the Democratic Party abolish superdelegates and closed primaries — oddly enough, two “reforms” that would have benefited Bernie Sanders

Abolishing supers wouldn’t have helped Bernie. Hillary still won without them (2026 to win, Hillary got 2202).

Eliminating closed primaries wouldn’t necessarily have helped Bernie either, since Hillary won open and closed primaries with similar aplomb.

As 538 and others ran the statistics, Bernie had no path to winning using any method available. None.

Winner take all? Nope.
Eliminate supers? Nope.
Open primaries only? Nope.
Closed primaries only? Nope.

The only scenario that guaranteed Bernie a higher chance at winning? Look to the demographics of the state. The more homogeneous the state, the more likely he won. A more diverse electorate meant the greater the chance Bernie lost. Bernie lost pretty much everywhere except the Northwest, Northern Plains, and New England.

Many of the states he did win were close or lacked the delegates to overcome Hillary’s advantage in delegate rich states like NY, NJ, FL, PA, CA, TX, IL, OH, VA, etc.