
Watch Live: Hillary Clinton Rally in Charlotte, North Carolina

Targetpractice9/08/2016 10:46:34 am PDT

re: #20 dangerman

So trump…the affirmative action candidate ?

Nah, the “Good Ol’ Boy” candidate. Trump’s the guy management hires because his daddy is best buds with the director and who stands at the water cooler pinching asses and telling racist jokes because he knows HR will never fire him because his daddy has their boss’ # on speed dial.

Hillary is the woman who management passes over because her last boss gave her a poor review because she wouldn’t show more leg and wouldn’t give him the time of day. Her work record was strong, she had a great record bringing in business for the company, but she wouldn’t go along with the “Good Ol’ Boys” and their baser instincts, so she’s treated as a frigid old shrew who’s best shoved somewhere down in Records.