
A Story About the Power of Baseball: James Taylor, "Angels of Fenway"

TarHellion11/21/2020 6:43:58 pm PST

While we may have won, I remain in fear of our democracy. The folks I work with - college educated, yet utterly devout fundamentalists - are but a fraction of the core support FFVCS has tapped into. The uneducated, racist goobers long ago went that way.

My county went 76 percent for FFVCS, which was an INCREASE of his total from 4 years ago. The only solace is that my county likely lost population when and if an accurate census it totaled.

But as a student of political science, I cannot deny we are at a Weimar Republic stage in our history. One of our two major parties is willing to completely undermine democratic election results. They are desperate to maintain white, authoritarian control.

By whatever means necessary.