
Taj Mahal & Ry Cooder: "Hooray Hooray"

Dangerman1/30/2022 12:05:21 pm PST

re: #274 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Stopped clock, blind squirrel/nut. Either way this is a surprise.

Republican Sen. Graham heaps praise on fellow South Carolinian and potential Supreme Court nominee J. Michelle Childs

“Graham, who agreed that Childs’ educational background would benefit the court, refuted arguments from fellow Republicans that Biden is unfairly imposing race and gender criteria on his nomination. He defended Childs as “highly qualified” and cited Republican President Ronald Reagan’s nomination of Sandra Day O’Connor as precedent for making nominations based partly on demographic criteria.”

Only wrt Lindsay he could be trying to undermine Biden’s assumed first choice.
In the only credible way he’s got.
But its weak sauce cause nothing’s been announced so he couldn’t reality claim he did anything.

Clyburn s of course another story.
Biden made the deal for a black woman not a specific one.
If Clyburn forced it that’s moving th goalposts and not what they agreed to