
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Old Glory AI Insurance

Jay C7/27/2023 4:21:41 pm PDT

re: #12 KGxvi

Assuming Feinstein would also retire early (not likely).

More importantly, if he retired before November 2024, that would mean a special election in Kentucky. The Dems need to have a plan for that, if it comes to happen.

Yeah, well, thanks in no small part to McConnell’s own machinations, the rules for Kentucky’s filling of Senate vacancies were changed in 2021 (over the (D) Governor’s veto, natch) - While the Gov still gets to appoint the successor, they have to be from the same Party as the former incumbent, and chosen from a list (of three) candidates submitted by said Party’s leadership.
So even if old McTurtle croaks tomorrow, the KY GOP can insert whatever loony-tunes hack they want to take his place: who would serve at least until the next GE*.

* there IS some vanishingly-small chance they might pick a decent choice for Senator, but it’s ruby-red Kentucky: “loony-tunes hack” is way more likely.