
Colbert: Trump's Bull**** Rally | "I Don't Care About You. I Just Want Your Vote" | MTG: Trump Is Like Jesus

Targetpractice6/11/2024 11:20:27 am PDT

These are people who were promised that the “laptop” contained evidence of everything from influence peddling to child pornography, that if the Feds did even a cursory investigation they’d have enough to not only put the entire Biden clan behind bars but also many prominent Dems and liberal public figures. That it was enough in that one HDD to totally wreck half the country for a generation or longer. And that there was no way they could ever possibly defend themselves in the courts.

So to watch Hunter get convicted of lying on a Form 4473 five years ago, something that they or somebody they know has done at least once in their lives, just isn’t the high they were promised.