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Decatur Deb6/14/2024 12:00:45 pm PDT

re: #20 Vicious Babushka


We experienced our first South Florida Flood.

We went to our son’s house on Wednesday morning for the first day of Shavuot (Jewish holiday that celebrates the Giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. As soon as we got there, THE DELUGE!! People were trapped in synagogues as the downpour went on and on and on. My son’s house is built on an extra high concrete pad, three steps up. Anyway the water got to the second step.

We were completely dry and we even had power on! But there was like a “moat” around our house protecting it from the rest of the neighborhood with their flooded out houses. But there was no getting in or out of this block until last night when the water receded sufficiently to drive a car down the street without it getting swallowed up.

We could have stayed in our apartment because it was also dry here, but again, no way in or out.

We stayed at our son’s house and just enjoyed the holiday while the neighbors were running around with their hair on fire. My son put his shop vac out on the front of the house so people could use it and then bring it back for others.

The book contains instructions on how to deal with floods. Should be a copy somewhere in the Temple.