
Seth Meyers: Trump Glitches, Gets Ronny Jackson's Name Wrong While Bragging About Cognitive Test

Hecuba's daughter6/17/2024 9:07:35 pm PDT

A few years ago, I became FB friends with a New Jersey woman who was a childhood friend of a friend of mine, who passed away 3 years ago. He had recommended that we become friends because, he assured me, she shared our common perspective on issues.

And yes, while she really detests Trump, it has become clear over the past few months that she absolutely hates undocumented immigrants whom she considers dangerous interlopers and routinely blasts Biden for taking any measures to assist them. She apparently had been very involved in assisting individual immigrants over the years and now cannot understand why many she befriended are now totally estranged from her. I’m not sure what is going on here. I gently suggested today that both businesses and families routinely employ undocumented immigrants, and that when there was a Republican immigration package designed to deal with the issue, Trump ordered the Republicans to block it. But she resented my suggestion and said it was all on Biden.

It concerns me greatly the combination of continued “high” prices, the student protests against Israel, and the immigration problem will torpedo the Biden re-election and return the psychopath to power.