
Obama Suddenly Worried About Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

FurryOldGuyJeans2/02/2009 11:45:59 am PST

re: #23 lawhawk

It isn’t like this problem just suddenly reared its ugly head and no one knows what to do. We’ve been discussing Gitmo and detainment of terrorists for years now, and the Democrats only solution has been 1) release ‘em back into the wild since we are really the evil ones; or 2) grant ‘em rights under the US Constitution that we’ve never before extended to terrorists captured on foreign battlefields (or spies for that matter) and put ‘em into the civilian court system because why should we treat terrorists like the extrajudicial scum who aren’t protected classes under the Geneva Conventions, let alone the US Constitution.

Neither is acceptable and while the left wrings its hands as to why we can or should detain these terrorists indefinitely because they pose an ongoing threat to US national security, the US remains threatened by the same groups and regimes that indoctrinate people into jihad. Yet we’re the bad ones?

The Executive Order demanding release of closure of Gitmo was a fundamental error on Obama’s part, but had to do something to placate the rabid Left, which considers Gitmo a far greater crime than the mass carnage inflicted by the terrorists who operate around the world and attack US national interests. He’d rather undermine US national security to fulfill a campaign pledge to close Gitmo than to deal with the ugly reality that US national security needs a place like Gitmo to contain the very terrorists who will not be stopped unless they’re killed or captured.

You speak logic; the Leftoids speak feelings.