
Politicians Reach Deal to Mortgage America's Future

unproven innocence2/06/2009 5:04:32 pm PST

This is from earlier today:
Say It Ain’t So: Science, Energy on Stimulus Chopping Block

Below is a list of some of the cuts they have asked for.

National Science Foundation : $1.4 billion (100% cut)
Department of Energy, Efficiency and Renewable Energy: $1 billion (38% cut)
NASA exploration: $750 million (50% cut)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: $427 million (35% cut)
Department of Defense, Alternative Vehicle Tech, Procurement: $100 million (100% cut)
Department of Energy Office of Science: $100 million (100%)

And taking an even bigger hit is education with a proposed cut of $15 billion, the bulk of the funding in the House bill.