
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

alegrias4/15/2009 12:54:33 pm PDT

Dear Charles,

I attended the DC Tax Protest in front of the White House today around noon with a Defense dept. friend wearing a skirt & hose, we saw young & old, all races & colors, but missed the Code Pinkos or other crazies. Everyone was well-behaved and civil in my experience.

The handful of Police in front of the White House looked bored when I saw them.

One guy I disapproved of had a sign saying “Right Wing Extremist” and I considered that stupid and attention-whorish, not helpful.

Otherwise, a loverly day for Singing in the Rain, and peaceably assembling without incident. I hope these good people who went to the trouble of showing up to indicate their disapproval with overspending & overtaxing, will now pay more attention and VOTE their interests at every opportunity.