
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

lawhawk10/02/2009 12:38:31 pm PDT

I’m sure that’s a completely unbiased position he’s coming from. McCain’s people ran a horrid campaign and once Palin was on board, many came to despise her and undermined their own election efforts.

That doesn’t mean that she’d be the best that the GOP has to offer or would be good for the GOP’s long term efforts.

Who among the GOP will stand up and get the rest of the party to figure out that ODS isn’t going to win them the election - but fiscal discipline, national security, and economic security? Where is the leadership? We keep seeing how Obama can’t actually lead - to actually govern, even with majorities in the House and Senate. Why would the GOP want to put someone into that position with similar inexperience?