
John Birch Society: 2009 Was a 'Record Setting Year'

Jetpilot11011/09/2010 3:48:06 pm PST

From the link:

But then there is the bad news. Simply put, it is unclear how long we can continue to operate at this level. Running our sites is expensive. Sending journalists abroad to key events is expensive. Expanding our capabilities, as we hope to do, is expensive. But it is absolutely essential as no one else reporting from a constitutional viewpoint is doing this. In other words, if we can’t keep doing it, no one else will.

The bad news is that they need money and need to raise it in a very bad economic climate. While I don’t relish the idea of unemployment continuing to rise and the economy continuing to struggle along, the silver lining may be that the JBS doesn’t get the donations needed to continue and sustain their growth.