
Overnight Open Thread

Lidane3/26/2010 12:37:18 am PDT

re: #22 JasonA

I have a better idea: stop giving people authority because they know the bible better than you do.

(Not you personally, of course.)

Heh. I know what you meant.

To be honest, I gave the Church authority over that for 18 years, since I was raised Catholic. Walked away from it for a whole set of reasons that had nothing to do with all these molestation scandals, too. Basically, I just didn’t believe in it anymore. I like the rituals of the Mass, I just don’t buy into any of it, so I walked away. Haven’t set foot in a church except for weddings, funerals or the occasional service when I visit my Mom in almost 20 years. These days, I’m an atheist.

The scope and breadth of all these scandals is mind-blowing, especially their direct connection to the Pope. I mean, a policy like shuffling these priests around had to start at the top, but having it all presented in such stark terms is what has so many people shocked by the story.