
Captain Marvel #1, May 1968

unproven innocence8/22/2010 8:36:20 pm PDT

re: #16 Gus 802

re: #22 Alouette

Wait for it: the deniers will now claim that because the term “Holocaust” wasn’t in common usage, therefore the “Holocaust” never happened.

Holocaust as History
An introduction to historical scholarship about the Holocaust.
By Susan D. Glazer

The “Recent Jewish Catastrophe”

The atrocities of World War II have produced a specialized nomenclature. By now, the term “Holocaust” has become the designation of choice to describe the Nazi campaign of genocide against the Jews. Those Jews who suffered in the ghettos and camps of Nazi-occupied Europe, however, did not think of themselves as victims of the “Holocaust.” In the immediate post-war years, the events of the Nazi era were referred to as the “recent Jewish catastrophe.” It was not until the mid-1950s that the term “Holocaust” gained currency to describe the Nazi assault against the Jews.

Bold is mine.