
Glenn Beck in January: If the Truth Got Out About MLK, He Wouldn't Be Celebrated

Cato the Elder8/28/2010 11:21:18 am PDT

re: #11 Charles

Here we go again with the claims that there were eleventy gazillion people at the Beck rally.

Check out this overhead photo posted at a wingnut blog:


This looks like a photo of a different rally to me — the same trick they tried to pull last year.

Totally, Charles. They’re lying again.

Two quick proofs:

1. The reflecting pool in that photo shows an overcast sky. Today in DC it was in fact as bright and sunshiny as it gets.


2. In the actual Beck rally pictures you can see giant screens showing Beck’s fat face to the crowds at intervals along the pool. None are showing here.

Pants-on-fire liars.