
'Pledge to America' Fact-Checked

jamesfirecat9/27/2010 11:40:34 am PDT

re: #25 pharmmajor

First of all, we are not about abolishing government, but establishing limited government.

What do we stand for? Separation of church and state, adherence to the constitution, a free market economy, cutting down wasteful federal spending, lower taxes, not starting wars or “nation-building” campaigns, protecting civil liberties, and ensuring that people aren’t punished for victimless crimes (such as recreational marijuana use).

I can agree with the the first, and the the last without quibble.

As for cutting down wasteful federal spending… that makes a fine bumper sticker but I’d prefer to go line by line through issues because what one person might consider wasteful federal spending (volcano research) might prove to be anything but.

I can agree with you that starting wars is not what America should be all about, but on the other hand “nation building” may be the only reasonable choice we have.

For example if we’d bit our teeth and done it in Iraq after the first Gulf War we wouldn’t have “needed” to invade all over again.

Oh and I can also agree with protecting civil liberties.

I suppose my chief problem with libertarians frequently show up when we get down to the nitty gritty of what to do rather than their philosophy.