
David Duke Explains: The 'Jewish-Inspired' Sexual Revolution Destroys American Values

researchok11/19/2010 10:49:33 am PST

re: #25 CuriousLurker

I see he’s trying to align Christians & Muslims against Jews.

I just took a peek at his web site. I got a weird feeling of dj vu—it could be Geller’s site if you replaced Jews with Muslims. They both seem to hate President Obama and there were references to many of the same things (like Merkel’s statement about the failure of multiculturalism). And, of course, wild conspiracy theories.

So on the one hand you’ve got white supremacist Muslim haters who claim to be supportive of Israel (Geller’s EDL pals with Israeli flag, Rabbi Shifren), and on the other hand you have white supremacist anti-Semites who claim to be supportive of Muslims (David Duke at the Holocaust Denial Conference?)

It’s such a bizarre convergence. I guess they all must be operating on “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” principle. O_o

Any Jews or Muslims who ally themselves with these neo-Nazi types are idiots. Hell, the whole lot of them are idiots. How do you manage to function when you’re dragging that enormous load of seething, blind hatred around with you all the time?

That has been his cause for decades.

Of course, he has made a lot of money in the process.